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Corporate Leader

Maria Gilberti

Corporate Director of Staffing & Workforce Development

Is there a book, movie, or artwork that has deeply inspired you or changed your perspective?

I read ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza and experienced a significant transformation in my life. Not only did I learn that big changes are possible when we train our minds, but the book also introduced me to meditation. I now practice it daily, and it’s the source of my peace of mind.

How do you want people to remember you?

I’d like people to remember me as a good person. It’s good to be important but it’s more important to be good.

What city are you from and how did you get started in the industry?

I’m from Guayaquil, Ecuador. My family and I moved to Barcelona, Spain, when I was a teenager. Being in such a cosmopolitan city made me develop an immense interest in traveling, food, and culture. This is why I decided to pursue a degree in Hospitality Management. While in college, I was exposed to the world of hospitality as I worked for a well-known Spanish hotel chain in the F&B department, and I just loved it! The rest is history…